Fitting Service

How it works

  • Get in touch with your local store or via our contact page.
  • We will find a fitter most convenient for you and arrange the dates.
  • The fitter will contact you with the payment details.

Please note: We are not in partnership with any of the fitters and are not responsible for their service levels.

Get in touch

Find a Fitter

Use our find a fitter service to find a fitter near you. These fitters are independent fitters that advertise their services through our website.

This search returns fitters in your local area, however we are not in partnership with any of the fitters and are not responsible for their service levels.

All fitting charges are to be paid to the fitter directly; The payment is independent of Flooring Superstore. We don't make any money from these fitters, but want to make the journey for you as simple as it can be.