Monthly Archives: May 2017

  1. Before you lay your wood floor Part 5: What fitting method can I choose for my wood floor?

    Before you lay your wood floor Part 5: What fitting method can I choose for my wood floor?

    Part five is the last in the series of our ‘before you lay your wood floor’ posts.  Now that you have your room ready and your flooring prepared to lay, now all you need to do is decide on your fitting method.

    Overall, there are a few wood floor laying options. These include secret nailing, gluing or even having a floating floor. However, the sub-floor you are laying your wood on and the type of wood you have chosen (engineered or solid wood) have a huge impact on what options are suitable for you. See our flowchart below to see what fitting method is suitable for you.

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  2. Before you lay your wood floor Part 4: How to Acclimatise your wood floor

    Before you lay your wood floor Part 4: How to Acclimatise your wood floor

    Welcome to part four of our “before you lay your wood floor” series. At this stage your room should be completely ready and prepared for your flooring to be delivered. Read our previous stages by clicking on the relevant number 1, 2, 3. Whether you have opted for a brushed and oiled finish or super matt lacquered, you should ensure you acclimatise your wood floor. This allows it to adapt to the environment of the room.

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