We’re delighted our Direct Wood Flooring blog has been awarded 8th position in the Top 100 Flooring Blogs by Feedspot.
As a modern RRS reader, Feedspot compiles all your favourite blogs into one easily accessible space. Bringing you the most recent, relevant content fresh to your fingertips whilst eliminating the need to scour the net for hours on end for updates on all your favourite sites. Moreover, it's amazing to see our DWF flooring blog being included in the site; reaching a wider audience and making our content even easier to access. We would like to personally thank all of our loyal readers for your continued support in helping our flooring blog achieve the award.
As much as we love our furry friends there’s nothing more annoying than a lovely big scratch in our wood flooring or clicks and stains in the middle of our carpets. Not to mention the creative chew marks and finishing touches they love to decorate with – forget scotia and beading teeth impressions seem to be the latest trend! We can take precautions such as replant sprays, regular clipping of claws, prohibiting the over excitable word ‘walkies’, storing leads in a claw safe area and regular training, however it seems regardless of our efforts certain areas of our flooring have become accustomed to pet destruction. Knowing the best flooring range for pets is key to avoiding those costly replacements. So, what's the best flooring for pets? In our opinion you can’t go wrong with wood flooring and here’s why…